

伊丽莎白·杜克洛06 / 07, a long-time passion for teaching started with playing “school” with her younger cousins: she knew from a very young age that she wanted to be an educator, and she also knew she wanted to learn the art and craft of classroom teaching at 主要研究.

“My dad went to 主要研究; I applied early to 主要研究  … I actually wrote a children’s book as my application essay, 我是这本书的主题,她分享道。.

That passion for and interest in education hasn’t waned: Now in her 18th year as an educator, 杜克洛在过去的一年里一直担任该州2024年度最佳教师, 该荣誉于2023年10月宣布. 从那时起, 她曾担任新罕布什尔州教育大使, 在活动上发表演讲,并与全国各地的其他教育工作者联系. 她在彭布罗克山学校教三年级, the elementary school in Pembroke with just over 330 students in kindergarten through fourth grade.

Pembroke Hill Principal Wendy Gerry has described Duclos as a teacher who makes her students’ experience the utmost priority. 当你走进她的学习环境, it is evident that the students feel valued and safe to take risks in their learning … her ability to connect with students is truly superior.”

Duclos graduated magna cum laude from 主要研究 in 2006 with her undergraduate degree in child and family studies from the 卫生学院 and 人类服务, 一年后,她又获得了小学教育硕士学位. She’s taught elementary students in both public and private school settings and also has a teaching writing certificate from Plymouth State.

She was on campus earlier this year to talk with students in education classes taught by Associate Professor Vincent Connelly and Clinical Associate Professor Elaine Marhefka.

新学年才刚开始几个星期, 是不是今天 checked in with the state’s Teacher of the Year as classes were just getting under way.


I'm always looking to first and foremost build relationships with my students and get to know them. 我也在努力建立一个协作的课堂社区, 关心和支持我的学生. 作为一名专业人士,我总是希望继续学习和成长. 在接下来的几个月里,我有几个机会在会议上发言. 

What advice would you give first-time teachers who might be starting out this fall?

我想让一年级的老师记住,他们已经足够了. I know it sounds a bit cliche but as a first-year teacher I was always striving to be perfect. 我想给我的学生、同事和管理层留下好印象. What I found (and I wish I could go back and tell myself all these years later) is that just showing up and doing my best is what is most important. 还有,每晚只带一样东西回家. We have contract hours for a reason and while I find myself doing work outside of these hours (like most teachers), I realized that if I focus on one thing each night it tends to feel less overwhelming and I am able to tackle that task successfully.

Can you describe  your experience with the New Hampshire Teacher of the Year program?

When I got the 电子邮件 saying I had been named New Hampshire Teacher of the Year, 我以为是垃圾邮件. 被提名让我大吃一惊, 在整个申请过程中, 我真的有机会审视自己的内心. 感觉真的很好. In February I went to California for a national conference with the Council of Chief State School Officers and I walked in thinking “Why  me? 为什么我在这里?然后我想:“为什么不是我呢??” I truly hope to finish out the remainder of my year as the 2024 New Hampshire Teacher of the Year by speaking at a few more engagements and continuing to share my knowledge of teaching. 


I love teaching children to read — to watch them gain that knowledge through stories… to be able to watch them go from non-readers to a reader, and teaching them how to take what they read and make meaning out of it has been the most rewarding. 你看到一个孩子在很小的时候就开始学习的快乐, 真正投入到学术研究中, 无论是阅读还是学习新的数学概念, 你可以看到他们在想什么, 我的天哪, 这就是你的意思.“他们的眼睛亮了,他们在座位上兴奋起来. 那些灵光乍现的时刻,灵光乍现的时刻是真的.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@cargraphicsuk.com | 603-862-4465